granville Vue sur la page

granville old photo vs latest photo at basse -normandie

petit triananon Le moulin

small castle built by gabriel for lois 15h





paris Rue de Rivoli




granville beach 19th century
no bikini--no sunbathing-no beach ball-no swimming
all are in full dress with socks and shoes and cap
it shows a different life and different values and likes than now





Arc de Triomphe de la

The Gates of Paris

Two triumphal arches, at the Porte Saint-Martin and Porte Saint-Denis, were commissioned by Louis XIV to commemorate his military victories. Ever since 1670, reinforcement of France's northeastern borders had allowed the removal of fortifications surrounding Paris, and this circumference was transformed into verdant promenades. During the centuries that followed, they were to become the "grand boulevards"(1) of Paris.

Symbolically marking the entrances into 17th-century Paris at the sites of the old toll-gates, these two triumphal arches served only an ornamental function. Their sculptures and bas-reliefs celebrated the King as a head of war.

History of the Porte Saint-Denis

The Saint-Denis arch was erected (1671-74) by Nicolas François Blondel, and paid for by the City of Paris. Small openings were cut into the sides to facilitate circulation, contrary to the architect's wishes.

A bas-relief on the southern façade represents the passage of the Rhine and the symbolic figures of the vanquished regions of the Rhine and Holland (beneath the features of a grieving woman). On the northern façade, the king is shown placing the town of Maastricht under his yoke.

It was through this gate, and along the rue St-Denis, that the kings of France would return to Paris from religious services at the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Napoleon's troops also passed through the arch, entering the city in 1816 after a victorious campaign. On the occasion of her visit to the Universal Exposition in 1855, Queen Victoria passed under the arch; she was the last sovereign to have completed this ritual dating back nearly a thousand years.

On June 23, 1848, a bloody insurrection of disenchanted workers took place here, complete with the erection of barricades and capture of the national guard's post at the boulevard Bonne Nouvelle. In the ensuing firefight, over 30 insurgents were killed or wounded. The whole confligration was documented on June 25 by Fredrick Engels (the co-founder of Marxism), who subsequently published many accounts of the June Revolution in Neue Rheinische Zeitung.

The arch of the Porte Saint-Denis served as the inspiration for the more famous Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile (completed in 1836), as well as for the Manhatten Bridge Arch in New York (designed by Carrere and Hastings, completed in 1909).

Historical factoid: Back in 1436, when Paris was still a fortified stronghold, the English — with the support of the Burgundians — had invaded and occupied an area of the city around the Porte Saint-Denis. However, their unwelcome presence was soon to be challenged: While King Charles VII was approaching Paris, its citizens began to revolt against their unwanted guests. Directed by Michel de Lailler and aided by the High Constables Richemont and Jean de Villiers d'Adam, a plan of attack was devised. Richemont, who was based in Saint Denis (outside the city limits), decided to enter Paris through the Porte Saint-Martin, while the English were expecting him at the Porte Saint-Denis. The English were soundly defeated, allowing King Charles VII to triumphantly enter the city on November 12, 1437.

(1) The word boulevard is derived from an old German word bulwark, meaning the top surface of a rampart or the artery that replaces a rampart — which testifies to the military origin of its layout.

Location: Intersection of where rue St-Denis changes to rue du faubourg Saint Denis, and where boulevard Bonne Nouvelle changes to boulevard St-Denis, 75010 Paris.
Métro: Strasbourg-Saint-Denis (lines 4, 8, 9). Bus: 20, 39.
Admission: There is no public access to the inside or top of this monument.



Related Links

June 23, 1848 Insurrection
Fredrick Engels chronicled the bloody uprising of workers against the government and the Assembly, a revolt which took place around the Porte St-Denis. Two days later, he added even more observations.

Louis XIV of France
Wikipedia — the free online encyclopedia — provides an overview of the Sun King's reign, with links to relevant articles.

Louis XIV Foreign Policy
Part of the World History at KMLA site, this page offers a synopsis of the politics of war practiced by Louis XIV, plus links to external resources.

Paris Balades — 10e Arrondissement
Paris Balades offers visitors a series of "architectural and urban promenades" throughout the city, presenting a brief historical background for each neighborhood, plus descriptions of numerous landmarks. (in French only)

Porte Saint-Antoine
Although this ancient gate to medieval Paris is long since gone, just like the Bastille fortress and prison beside it, it's possible to see several historical renditions of both the gate and the Bastille complex.

Take a look at various views of the Porte Saint-Denis, including an antique copperplate engraving, paintings by respected artists, B&W postcards from the turn of the last century, and modern-day color photos.


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L’église Saint Seurin The church of Saint Seurin
vendredi 1er juillet 2005, par EEPU JOLIOT CURIE PESSAC Friday, 1 July 2005, by EEPU JOLIOT CURIE PESSAC

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Nous avons visité une église à Bordeaux, l’église Saint-Seurin. We visited a church in Bordeaux, the church of Saint-Seurin. Son nom est celui d’un évêque, Seurin, qui est devenu saint. His name is that of a bishop, Seurin, who became a saint. Son sarcophage se trouve dans l’église. His sarcophagus is in the church.

Elle est sur une place, la place des Martyrs de la Résistance. It is on a square, the Place des Martyrs of the Resistance. Autrefois cette place était un cimetière. Once this place was a cemetery. Nous avons visité les restes de ce cimetière. We visited the remains of the cemetery.

Cette église se trouvait sur le chemin des pèlerins de Saint Jacques de Compostelle, qui s’y arrêtaient au Moyen-Age pour : This church was on the path of pilgrims in Saint Jacques de Compostela, who stopped in the Middle Ages for:
vénérer le bâton de Saint-Martial . venerate the stick of Saint-Martial.
voir l’olifant de Roland. see olifant Roland.
voir les reliques de Saint Seurin et Saint Fort see the relics of Saint Seurin and Saint Fort

Nous allons vous expliquer ces légendes, ainsi que notre visite. We will explain these legends, and our visit.

La légende de Saint Martial et Sainte Bénédicte. The legend of Saint Martial and St. Benedict.

Dans l’église Saint-Seurin, il ya un vitrail qui raconte la légende de Saint Martial et de Sainte Bénédicte. In the church of Saint-Seurin, there is a window that tells the legend of Saint Martial and St. Benedict.

Voici la légende de Saint Martial : Here is the legend of Saint Martial:

Martial et ses compagnons partaient évangéliser (expliquer qu’il faut croire en Jésus-Christ et en sa religion) l’Aquitaine mais un de ses compagnons tomba malade. Martial and his companions left evangelize (explain the need to believe in Jesus Christ and his religion) Aquitaine but one of his companions fell ill. Seul, il repartit à Rome voir Saint Pierre, qui était alors pape. Alone, he returned to Rome to see St. Peter, who was pope. Saint Pierre lui donna un bâton miraculeux. St. Pierre gave him a stick miraculous. Il revint avec le bâton et soigna son ami. He returned with sticks and treated his friend.

La légende de Sainte Bénédicte : The legend of St. Benedict:

Bénédicte, femme du gouverneur d’Aquitaine, vint voir Martial pour lui dire que son mari est malade. Benedict, wife of the governor of Aquitaine, see Martial came to tell him that her husband is sick. Martial prêta le bâton à Bénédicte pour qu’elle le soigne. Martial lent stick to Bénédicte cares for it. Le gouverneur ne croyait pas en Jésus, mais après avoir été soigné, il crut en Jésus. The governor did not believe in Jesus, but after being treated, he believed in Jesus.

La légende de Roland The legend of Roland

A l’église Saint Seurin, nous avons observé un vitrail racontant « La chanson de Roland », la voici : At the church of Saint Seurin, we observed a stained glass window depicting "The Song of Roland", the following:

Charlemagne va chasser les Sarrazins (qu’on appelle aussi Arabes) d’Espagne. Charlemagne will drive the Saracens (also known as Arabs) of Spain. En revenant en France par le col de Roncevaux, l’armée doit se partager en deux (l’avant-garde et l’arrière-garde). Returning to France by the pass of Roncesvalles, the army must share in two (the vanguard and the rearguard). Charlemagne est déjà en France lorsque son neveu Roland, à l’arrière garde, se fait attaquer par les Sarrazins. Charlemagne is already in France when his nephew Roland, a rear guard, is attacked by the Saracens. Avant de mourir, Roland souffle dans l’olifant (qui est un cor) pour lui demander de l’enterrer en terre chrétienne. Before dying, Roland breath in the olifant (which is a horn) asking him to bury a Christian land. Charlemagne enterre Roland à Blaye en Gironde et dépose son olifant sur l’autel de l’église St Seurin. Charlemagne to bury Roland Blaye in the Gironde and files its olifant on the altar of the church of St Seurin.

Le cimetière The cemetery

Un petit bout du cimetière datant du 5ème siècle est sous l’église Saint Seurin. A small piece of the cemetery dating from the 5th century is under the church of Saint Seurin. Le cimetière est sous la place des martyrs à Bordeaux. The cemetery is the place of the martyrs in Bordeaux. Dans ce cimetière, il ya des mausolées* ; il ya aussi des amphores. In this cemetery, there are mausoleums; there are also amphorae. Les amphores sont des grands vases dans lesquels on déposait les bébés morts. The amphoras are large vases in which filed the dead babies. Il y avait des sarcophages de toutes tailles avec des signes bizarres comme un canard ou un cerf qui sont des signes religieux . There were sarcophagi of all sizes with signs as a strange duck or a deer, which are religious symbols.

* Un mausolée est une sorte de maison ou sont déposés les sarcophages. * A mausoleum is a kind of house or are deposited sarcophagi.

La crypte The crypt

La crypte est le sous-sol d’une église. The crypt is the basement of a church. Dans la crypte de l’église Saint Seurin, il ya les tombeaux de personnes importantes comme un saint qui s’appelle Saint Fort. In the crypt of the church of Saint Seurin, there are the tombs of important people as a saint called Saint Fort. Derrière son tombeau, il ya une châsse : une châsse est une boîte où on met des reliques de saints. Behind his tomb, there is a shrine: a shrine is a box where you put relics of saints. Dans cette châsse, il y aurait le bras de Saint-Fort. In this shrine, there are the arm of Saint-Fort. Dans la crypte, il ya aussi les tombeaux de personnes riches. In the crypt, there is also the tombs of wealthy people. Le toit de la crypte est en forme de voûte et il ya des étoiles dessinées dessus. The roof of the crypt is shaped vault and there are stars drawn on it.

Conclusion Conclusion

Après cette visite, nous avons compris que des légendes pouvaient être dessinées sur les vitraux des églises et qu’elles peuvent se lire comme des bandes dessinées... After this visit, we understood that legends can be drawn on the windows of churches and they can be read as comics ... sans les bulles !!! without the bubbles!

Pour écrire aux auteurs : EEPU JOLIOT CURIE PESSAC To write the authors: EEPU JOLIOT CURIE PESSAC

Responsable de la publication : M. l'Inspecteur d'Académie de la Gironde - 30 cours de Luze - BP919 - 33060 BORDEAUX CEDEX Chief: Mr. Inspector Academy of Gironde - 30 courses Luze - BP919 - 33060 BORDEAUX CEDEX




